Saturday, May 26, 2012


Aanisah Faqihah now is 2-year and 6-month old.
She loves to help with chores.
Even though the help may not always be as I would hope, keeping her excitement is good.
Plus its worth the extra effort on our part for the habit of helping out alive.
Although chores not may only be completed with helping from me each step of the way,
But for sure I am creating positive habits for her to help.
The quicker she manages to do chores, the more responsibility she will have.
And the less I have to do!! Yeeaahhaaa..
However, keep in mind that kids are different both developmentally and physically.
Some children may be able to handle more than others, some less.

Start will simple chores like throw a rubbish in the dustbin, pick up toys and books, take laundry to the laundry basket, wipe up messes,  and other simple chores to clearing table, putting dishes in the sink, and folding simple clothing.

Now she able to wash her own alphabet mat.

Hopefully the mahmudah attitude will lasts forever..

Tips: Let the chores fun.

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