Sunday, October 12, 2014

Officially Stay At Home Mom


Finally two months passed! Now I'm officially a full-time housewife. Last jadi permanent staff at Squid was on August 2014. Sekarang dah jadi freelancer pula.

So, a month passed just like a blink of an eye. How it was being stay at home mom like? There was a big question mark. U can't imagine unless you are the one. Last September was all disaster! Bukannya apa, belum pandai manage time lagi. Office still pergi juga 1/2 times a week bawa Azra Farzana. Memang sedikit kucar kacir la sikit bila Azra bermaharajalela kat office tu.

Attending  cousin hubby punya nikah di Kedah. A week after merewang pula di Nakhoda. Memang dah tradisi family hubby suka masak sendiri walaupun ramai dah memilih catering je sekarang ni. So, aktiviti dekat rumah terhad. Banyak aktiviti luar kawasan.

Wake up call!!

Many things to be done. Everything is new. Slowly try to tune new way of life. Seriously, being stay at home mom is NO JOKE!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Half A Year Has Passed


After a while.

I'm back to write a new entry. Half a year has passed, write not anything in this so-noob-lame blog. So, this is my first entry for year 2014.

I just tendered resignation last month. It's was second letter sebenarnya. I tendered once early this year. Tapi.. tapi.. Boss tolak as if he was not prepared to receive such letter from me. It does not simply tolak by saying "NO" tapi lebih kepada "U boleh cuti bila anak sakit", "uruskan anak dulu, anak dah sihat baru masuk office", and even wife boss pun siap call cakap berjam-jam (kategori bergayut lah ni ek?) just to persuade me untuk stay and they give special treat if perlu, boleh balik or cuti at anytime masa anak sakit. My husband pun was really surprised bila I told him about it. It's not like his first time heard that I wanna to leave the company but the resignation tu so sudden. Several times we had discussed pasal nak berhenti ni tapi I keep working.

This time, boss was prepared than before. Instead of tak bagi berhenti, he said I hire u as permanent freelancer after the notice. So, bila namanya freelancer boleh la datang ikut suka. Takde la masalah terikat dengan masa bekerja. Kurang lah sikit rasa bersalah bila asyik terpaksa leave. Bila ada kerja, baru datang. So, atas budi bicara kita cuba lah nanti ye. Encik Azhar dan Rizal pun merupakan boss yang sangat baik dan bertimbang rasa. Jadi tak salah rasanya kita bertolak ansur sebagai satu bukti penghargaan untuk both of them.

So, today less than a week nak raya. I come back to my blog and happily writing this. Although just several months but there are memories that could not be forgotten. There are too many untuk disematkan dalam ni but I will later. Untuk kali ni, teaser raya tahun ni.

Theme Aidilfitri 2014 - Royal Blue

Masih berkesempatan nak ucap Selamat Berpuasa dan Taqaballahu Minna Wa Minkum!

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