Saturday, July 30, 2011
Good Start!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Play Tent
When Aanisah Faqihah starts build her own territory.
Using the blanket and one tight is enough to make it become a play tent..(I do it for her)
She used to bring her pillow, bed sheet (sometimes) handkerchief or towel, a blanket and never forget her baby.. Usually her baby could be pink teddy bear, sometimes winnie the pooh or rarely elmo cacat mata dekat luar..
She asks her baby to sleep while she will make sound..syhh...syhh.. sambil tepuk-tepuk baby..Sometimes I can hear she yelled at her baby "SLEEP!!" even though she is the one who are really hard to sleep.
As I said, pillow (dark blue), she used towel (dark brown) for blanket and handkerchief (white) as bed sheet and forget not her baby elmo (light blue) yang ketara nampak mata sahaja..
Muka macam tak puas hati ibu ambil gambar..
Tapi ibu tetap berdegil..So, buat taktau adalah jalan terbaik..
Still trying to sleep the baby..
She is sleeping with her baby..
HAHA!! In your dreams..
I told that she hards to get sleep..
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sleep a.k.a Ship
Anis memang bermasalah kalau nak tidur. Dia payah betul nak amik mood tidur tu..
Macam-macam la ibu buat nak kasi dia tidur..Hurm, payah..
Ada masanya, sampai ibu lepik-lepik(rotan kaki guna tangan) dia..
Menangis bagai nak rak(beriya benar nangis nya) pas breastfeeding (BF) terus ok..
Situasi 1
Ibu: Anis, come here..Let's sleep.
Anis: Ship (Sleep).. tapi dari kejauhan je..
Ibu: Anis, come..Sleep
Anis: NO, NO, NO.. (sambil jari telunjuk ke kanan kiri and kepala dok geleng2)
Situasi 2
Adakalanya, dah memang dia kat sebelah ibu..
Ibu: Ok, sleep..
Anis: Syyyhhhhh...(sambil jari telunjuk kat bibir)
Ibu: Sleep...
Anis: Bye..mmmuaaahh..(turun katil and keluar bilik)
Situasi 3
Anis: Nenen..(nak breastfeed a.k.a BF la kan)
Ibu: Ok, come..Lay down and sleep ok?
Anis: Ship..(angguk2)
Ibu: Good..(ibu baring sekali, tunggu..tunggu..tunggu sampai dia dah lelap)
Ibu tunggu sampai dia lelap, baru lepaskan BF
Anis: Orite..(bangun and sambung main)
Situasi 4
Anis: Nenen..
Ibu: Ok..
Anis and ibu dua2 terbengkalai..
Haha..Situasi ke-4 memang agak kerap berlaku.
Bukan apa, mula-mula kena pura-pura tidur supaya dia pun tidur.
Then, ibu pun terjebak sama..
Mana boleh tahan 15-30 minit terbaring je tak buat apa..
Sure terkandas gak..