Monday, November 22, 2010

loving and being loved

i am happy!!

i love and being loved!!

i love my hubby..

i love my daughter..

i love my mother..

i love my siblings..

i love my FAMILY..

When I feel loved, I am loving towards others. And people who give a lot of love, receive a lot of love. Love creates love. It can be great.

I can't force myself to love another person any more than I can force someone else to love me.

It's circular. I can't love unless am being loved, and I (mostly) won't be loved unless am loving.

When the cycle of love is working positively--I give love and receive it from the people I love--it's great!!!!

There is love available. Allah is loving me all of the time. Allah love is being poured out to me, all of the time. But am usually insensitive to it. The way to get love flowing in a relationship again is, I believe, to be receptive to the love that Allah is giving us.Allah sends his love to us through other people in little ways.

Love comes in little ways, and we generally give love in little ways.

As we learn to act on our little loving impulses, to recognize and receive the love that is being given to us, and as we are grateful to Allah for the love we do receive, it increases.

We find ourselves giving more love and receiving more love.

When we don't feel loved, it is hard to see beyond the negatives, beyond the ways in which we aren't loved.

When we don't feel loved, we need Allah's help. There's no other solution. God is the source of all love.

When we can't see the love around us, when we seem deaf to Allah's loving impulses, we need to ask Allah to help us. We need to ask him to help us experience his love and help us give his love to others.

Allah wants us to receive love. It comes freely. It is his gift to us.

As we accept Allah's love for us, we have love to give to others, and the cycle of love begins again.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

cookie jar

"shapes are in my cookie jar.. triangle, heart and star.. there's a circle over there.. here's a square.."

nilah ghupenye cookie jar my lovely doter!!

remind me of my cutie pie daughter..

she always love to stomp her body when she heard any kind of song..
even though, the song is very short..
now she starts to imitate whatever people around her doing..

the other day, we (F.I.L, M.I.L, Anis and me) went to kebun..
then my M.I.L pun patted down the mosquitoes that land onto her..
suddenly, she slapped on my M.I.L's leg..
and keep on doing it and smile
(can see her two large teeth)

miss her..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

baby 1st birthday

hari ulang tahun kelahiran Anis yang pertama..

walaupun x celebrate secara rasmi..
aku plan ngan family aku utk berlepak2 di taman..
kononnye itu celebrate birthday Anis la pada aku..
seronoknye kami di Taman Metropolitan Kepong..
sebab bukan selalu dapat gather ngan family lepak g taman..
paling kuat pun..
lepak ramai2 kat rumah mak, beli makanan kat pasar malam..
aku dah bosan..
ajak lepak luar, agak meriah sket sambutan..
sume stuju!!
family aku mmg BEST!!

Monday, November 8, 2010


29 July 1985
arini aku bersyukur..
Allah sempurnakan hidupku..
dilahirkan dari keluarga yang tidaklah mewah dengan harta benda..
penuh dengan kebahagiaan...
melimpah ruah dengan kasih sayang..
semuanya menyanyangi aku..
(statement prasan)

28 December 2008
sujud syukur ku..
kehadrat Ilahi..
Allah sempurnakan hariku..
menemukan aku dengan keturunan si adam itu..
bertambah bahagia hidupku..
lelaki yang paling sempurna..
xkan ada yang selayak dia untuk bersamaku..
dialah suamiku.

28 October 2009
Allah sempurnakan lagi hari2 ku..
mengurniakan aku puteri..
puteri yang comel cukup sifatnya..
xpernah puas menatap wajahnya..
suamiku sujud syukur sejurus melihat puteri kami..
yang aku kandungkan selama ini..
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